
Why Choose Flexitank to Transport Surfactant Liquids?

Publish Time: 2022-10-13     Origin: Site

Under COVID-19, hand sanitizers for disinfection and sterilization are commonly used these years. Surfactant, the most important component in hand sanitizer, is a kind of colorless or light yellow viscous liquid that can remove grease and dirt which cannot be directly dissolved in water. In this way, pathogenic microorganisms in oil stains adhering to the skin are washed away.

In addition to hand sanitizers, the main component for dishwashing liquid, laundry detergents, as well as body washes, shampoos and hair conditioners is also surfactant.

In year 2021, according to statistics from China Daily Chemical Industry Information Center, the total consumption of surfactant in China mainland is 3.7854 million tons. Here comes the question - With such a large consumption quantity, how is surfactant being transported?

In the past, manufacturers would use 200L steel drums for transportation and loading/unloading, which is time-consuming and labor-consuming, and the logistics cost is very high.

While now most manufacturers choose flexitank for transportation.

One flexitank fitted into a 20-feet container can load up to 25,000L of surfactant fluids, which with more than 7,000L loading capacity compared with the traditional 200L steel drum. In this way, the shipping cost can be greatly reduced.

What’s more, when using steel drums, manufacturers need to pay high cleaning cost to clean them after unloading, which is harm to environment during cleaning. Now with flexitank, there is no need to clean anything and pay cleaning cost. The used flexitanks can be recycled and regenerated into plastic particles, which is environment-friendly and helps reduce manufacturer’s pressure on environment protection.

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